
Best tool for driving clicks to your competitors in Google Ads.


ClickG is designed to help you achieve the best outcomes from your Google Ads. Drive down operating costs and destroy your competitors easily with our tool. Clicking your competitors ads is not a new thing. Google has good detection measures in place, but it is impossible to block and detet clicks coming from unique fingerprints and rotating residential IPs. We also have measures in place which emulate real person browsing the website, such as random clicks, scrolls and more.

Pricing Plans

Monthly Package

Price: $200

Ideal for those who want to test the waters. Get full access to all features on a monthly basis.

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Lifetime Package

Price: $750

Best value for long-term users. One-time payment for lifetime access and updates.

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Allows multiple processes to run simultaneously, improving efficiency.

Stealth Fingerprints

Ensures your activities remain undetectable and unique across sessions.

User-friendly Interface

Easy-to-use design that provides an intuitive user experience.

Proxy Support

Use different proxies to mask and diversify your online presence.


Lower Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Reduce your advertising costs and maximize ROI.

Higher Ranking

Achieve top positions in search results and increase visibility.

More Earnings

Boost your revenue by driving more qualified traffic.

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